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They are just too darn cute and I love picking out the clothes to match. It's not easy sometimes but it's a fun "mission" to accomplish. For this year's holiday family photos, I wanted to have 2 different looks: 1 glam and 1 casual. Surprisingly, it was easy to find a matching "casual outfit" but it took me awhile to think of something to wear for our "glam look." I ended up choosing my dress that morning of the photo shoot (haha)! Of course, you know I always resort to black as my go-to that never fails - and still doesn't. ;) See below for more photos from our holiday family photo shoot.
When you can't decide, wear black. It always looks good and pretty much works for most occasions. I usually know what I'm wearing to things but when it involves "matching" with others, it takes me awhile to figure it out. It was the night before our photo shoot and I still didn't know what to wear! I (usually don't do this but I) was trying on different dresses to show the hubby to help me figure out what to wear. I think my mommy brain was at the end of its battery life for that day. Eventually, I went with this little black lace dress (it's old so sharing a similar one below) cause I think everyone looks good in an LBD! And, most likely, everyone has something black in their closet already. Like this polo shirt on the Mister and this collared one on Kaibear.

I've been sooo into the buffalo check print this season that I had to incorporate it into our holiday shoot this year! Plus, the Mister loved the idea too and we found this really good buffalo check flannel shirt for him so it made it even better. There were several options I really liked for Kaibear but ended up going with this buffalo check outfit that he's wearing (this other onesie was a close 2nd choice). My loose checkered plaid dress print matched the buffalo check theme perfectly too - thank goodness.

Are you taking any matching family holiday photos this year?
Other fun holiday colors to wear are white (I love a good all white number), cream/gold, red and green, or even blue! This is the 2nd time we've sent out holiday cards (guess it's a new tradition since having a baby haha) but I love getting them done at Walgreen's cause I can get it printed SAME DAY to pick up at a nearby store. It's a big stress reliever to know it'll be done and ready in a few hours - and, yes, it comes with envelopes too. So if you still want to send out some holiday cards to friends and families, you still can! Just take our photos today then design and order your holiday cards on Walgreen's website to pick up SAME DAY later today so you can address them to get them all mailed out by tomorrow, just in time for Christmas. Apparently, not a lot of people know about this and it's such a helpful resource they offer. I also order photo prints for same day pick up too sometimes (that's how I got Kaibear's photos printed for his 1 year birthday party). Hope this was helpful.
As always, thanks for reading and sending you air hugs!
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