How was the birth, the labor, the delivery, you ask?...
These are probably the most common questions I've been getting lately so thought I'd write a post about it! Pre-warning though: it will be quite detailed as I want to share all the details with you! Keep on reading if you want to know more of my birth story below.
It seemed like just another day I was getting up for work but it was actually 2 months ago. On Friday, December 6th, my alarm went off at 5:40am and I noticed there was some water on my leg (there was some the day before too). I didn’t think anything of it at first and went on to do my morning bathroom routine. Except this time it was different. For some reason I kept slowly leaking water and filling up my panti-liners quickly every time I got off the toilet.
This is strange, I thought, but wasn’t quite sure if it was my
actual water breaking. I felt like I needed a clear sign even though I kept going back and forth to the bathroom to pee but there was no pain whatsoever.

Finally, about 1.5 hours later, at 7am, I left to go to work. When I got to work around 7:30am I told my officemate, "I think my water broke this morning but I’m not sure so in case I leave early you know why haha." We both laughed. Since I was planning to start my maternity leave the week after, I’ve been prepping documents for one of my colleagues to fill in for me. Then at 8am I went to the restroom again and this time I felt a huge gush of water come out and it leaked on my leggings all the way to my mid-thighs. I looked up to the sky and said, "
okay I get the sign now." I went back to my office and told my officemate, "
alright now I think my water broke so I'm going to finish up my stuff and then leave early." I finished up my notes to pass on to my other colleague and then left work around 8:30am. Yup, I barely went to work for an hour that day (haha).
On the way home, I called the Mister and told him what happened. When I got home I rinsed off my body and then worked on some online reports for my other job. I was still not feeling any pain. We casually gathered our stuff then left to go to the hospital around 10am. I told him I was hungry and we should grab food to eat first cause I’ve heard many moms tell me that once you start the labor process, you can’t eat so grab a bite beforehand if you can. At this time, I was still leaking water and not feeling any contractions. On the way to hospital, we ran a couple errands and I continued to work on my laptop in the car to finish up the online reports (I know, I can be a workaholic sometimes). We finally got to the hospital around 11:30am.
When we checked in at the front, they asked where we were going. I said, "
labor and delivery." The front desk asked who we were visiting and I replied, "
oh no it’s for me" (in a very calm voice - again, I still did not have any contractions at this time). We got our passes and went up to the labor & delivery floor. We checked in with the nurses there and they asked the same thing, "
who are you visiting?" And I responded with a laugh, "
oh no one it’s for me." They asked if I was feeling any pain or contractions and I said no. The nurses looked at me with suspicion and said, "
are you sure you're in labor or it is pee?" I was like, "
I’m pretty sure unless I’ve been peeing since 5:40 in the morning haha." They ended up giving me a room and said they'll do some testing and get an ultrasound person to check my water level as well. One of the nurses went to get a sample of my fluid for the lab to test if it was amniotic fluid or urine. She seemed doubtful herself that my water broke and jokingly said, "
no pain no baby."
Then the ultrasound tech guy came in and he was more reassuring. He said confidently, "
oh yeah your water definitely broke." I asked him, "
how do you know?" He said, "
usually the normal amniotic fluid level is 10 and 5 is’re at 2.7, you’re not going anywhere they’re going to keep you here." My husband and I both looked at each other and thought,
is this really happening? today?!
The nurses were so kind and gave me lunch cause they wanted me to eat before starting the labor process. They informed that since my water already broke and I was not feeling any contractions and was only opened 1cm, they were going to induce labor after lunch. Around 3pm, I was hooked up to the IV and then it began. It was pretty much a waiting game and the nurse informed us that since it was my first pregnancy, it may take a while - that it’s usually 1cm per hour so I may probably give birth late in the middle of the night or early morning. To help kill time, I continued to work on my laptop to send out emails and reports for my other job.
Then around 6pm I started feeling horrible pinching pain. Like excruciating pain and it wouldn't stop. It kept coming and going so fast in waves. I asked the nurse who's been monitoring me if I could get epidural now. She looked at me very surprised and said that my contractions
just started and it might be too early. I was like, "
I don't know but if this is how moms usually come in to the hospital for labor then this really hurts." She said she'll check how much I dilated and was surprised that I was now at 5cm and said, "
okay yes you can get the epidural now" then went to inform the doctor. The anesthesiologist came and gave me the epidural shot around 7pm and it felt like it worked right away. DAMN. I highly recommend getting it - or at least in my case it helped ease the pain a lot.
Then when it was just a little before 9pm, a nurse came to check how far I dilated and looked at me and was like, "
okay you're ready to give birth." I was shocked and said, "
like right now right now?" She confirmed by replying, "
yes you're at 10cm now. We just called the doctor." It was 9pm and the nurses were prepping my room to give birth and had me do a couple "practice pushes." Shortly later the doctor came in and we started the labor & delivery process! I can still recall holding my husband's hand throughout the entire birth and about 4-5 pushes later, our precious baby boy came out at 9:35pm! It seemed like it happened so fast (within like 30 minutes) and I can still remember feeling my hips expanding as he was coming out and I actually did feel him exit and enter into the world. It wasn't painful at all. The doctor immediately placed him on my chest and I was so overwhelmed with emotions. Our sweet baby Kyler had finally arrived and he just stole our hearts away. He was such a good boy and made the whole labor and delivery process pretty smooth. Thanks sweetie.
How was your birth story like? Do you still remember it?
This is a longer-than-usual blog post for me but I wanted to write it all down and capture this memory. Not only for me but for baby Kyler - maybe one day he'll look back and read the story of his birth. The birth of our first born child. Kyler also happens to turn 2 months old today. We went to the doctor's earlier and he got 4 shots and only cried a little bit. Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you Kaibear!
As always, thanks for reading and sending you hugs!
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