First off, if you've been following me for a while on social media then you know how much the Mister absolutely LOVES Peking duck. Like it's his favorite dish, possibly his ultimate favorite. He was even in a phase where he started making his own Peking duck at home and, let me tell you, it was pretty good. Better than some of the popular ones out here in OC if I dare even say. One day, however, while we were in Los Angeles, we randomly stopped by Ji Rong Peking duck restaurant cause the Mister was craving some for lunch and it was around the corner from where we were at. So we thought, why not let's give it a try (he was still in his making-his-own-peking-duck phase at this time). Right when it came out, our eyes lit up. The Peking duck skin had a shiny glaze on top and curled up - which we've never seen it like this before. Plus, it was served with thin pancakes which totally changes the way you eat it. Less dough = more taste/flavor of the duck. Now we've gone back several times since discovering this gem (last year?) and have told our friends to come join us to try it and each time and they all agreed, it was the best Peking duck they've had to. Keep on reading to find out what to order and some of my food tips below!
Here are my 3 must-have items to order at Ji Rong Peking Duck restaurant:
#1 :: Peking duck (obviously).
FOOD TIP :: Be careful when re-toasting up the duck skin at home; keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn quickly.
#2 :: Soup dumplings.
FOOD TIP: The best (and right way) to eat it is to place a soup dumpling on your spoon, pour a little bit of vinegar sauce over it, and add a couple pieces of thinly chopped ginger on top then enjoy!
#3 :: Spicy lamb chops.

Has anyone else ever tried Peking duck this way before?
Eating with the thin pancakes (versus the flour-y dough banh bao) makes such a huge difference! After this experience, we totally changed the way we look at (and ate) Peking duck. In fact, the Mister stopped making it at home afterwards cause their crispy curled up skin here is on a wholeeee other level. Instead, we just make an LA lunch date every month to come back to Ji Rong Peking Duck restaurant and get our Peking duck fix here instead. Yes, we've been that addicted (haha) and make that traffic commute to LA just for this. If you're a fan of peking duck, add this to your food list ASAP! This was the best meal I've had during my pregnancy so far (since basically everything is fully cooked) and each bite was savored and devoured. OMG I already can't wait for us to go back again (haha). If you go, let me know what you think. Hope you love it too - bon appetit! As always, thanks for reading and sending you hugs!

CHECK IT OUT :: Ji Rong Peking Duck Restaurant, 8450 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770
Telephone: (626) 280-8600 (*I highly recommend calling ahead for reservations and to order your Peking duck so it'll be ready when you get there cause it takes about 40mins-1hour to have it made.)
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