Wow! Time sure feels like it's been flying by fast lately, hasn't it? Halloween is literally this week and what are you going to wear? This year, I'll actually be celebrating one of my dear close friends (known her since 6th grade!) getting married as one of her bridesmaids. So I wasn't planning on doing anything or getting dressed up. That was, until I got some cool costumes from AMI Clubwear. Even though I may not be celebrating on Halloween day, it doesn't mean I still can't get into the spirit right? Here's one of 3 Halloween costume ideas that'll I be sharing for some last minute inspiration. This first Halloween look is for the conservative type who wants to dress up without revealing too much. It's quick and easy and anyone can wear it! For some reason the zebra animal isn't as popular during Halloween (usually it's the cats and leopards) so I wanted to pick it out and give it some love. Plus it also matched with my zebra print shoes, win-win!.
What are you going to be for Halloween? Funny thing is, it used to be one of my favorite holidays. There was even a time when I designed not one, not two, but three Halloween costumes for one year (haha, a little estatic that time). Now, as I'm starting my thirties, I'm kind of looking more forward to passing out candies and seeing the little kids costumes. Maybe it's a sign of baby fever? Or maybe it's a sign of getting old. Let's go with that one for now. ;)
{FASHION TIP: Looking for a last minute Halloween costume? Pick out key accessory pieces and add them to things you already have in your closet! My go-to? Anything black, you can't go wrong with that!}
{WEARING} AMI Clubwear zebra accessories c/o Red Light PR ($17.99 HERE) :: top c/o Trixxi :: Foreign Exchange pants :: "Annie" pumps c/o Two Lips Shoes ($59.95 HERE)

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