Yellow, my favorite color for summer...
Move over cobalt blue, there's a new shade taking over my life right now: sunshine yellow. There's something about this bright, vibrant color that puts a smile on people's faces. This past Friday, I went to celebrate one of my girlfriend's birthday with a dinner at the beautiful Island Hotel in Newport Beach. Since it was taking place at night, I wanted to wear something light and loose. In came this yellow geometric open back maxi from Sloane Rouge which was just perfect for the occasion. And you know what? I can already tell, it's going to be a summer favorite! I am o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d.
What's your favorite yellow item?
{FASHION TIP: Yellow mixes well with shades of brown, nude, and gold.}
{WEARING} Sloane Rouge "Santorini" maxi dress c/o The Avenue West ($70 HERE) :: nude heels :: Mango handbag :: Papers & Peonies hand accessory :: personalized name bracelet c/o Julz Junkie

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