Wore this nighttime outfit the other week for Jud's bday dinner and thought it was the perfect time to wear my totally AWESOME spiked ring that I've had since beginning of March! The ring was definitely one of those "I fell in love with it at first glance" moment but since I was with my bf, sisters, and friends (during my getting-into-graduate-school celebration dinner), some of them [aka bf and sisters] weren't too fond of the spiked ring so sadly I did not get it. However, the bf got me a purse and later on that night I didn't like it anymore (yes, I am one of those girls who changes their mind quickly and OFTEN haha) I told him I was going to return it the next day and exchange it for something else. Well, the very next day I went back to the store and saw the spiked ring again and with no one stopping me this time, I got it and still have no regrets purchasing it! The bf was definitely surprised to see that ring on my finger but he can't say anything - I have a weapon on my hand and I won't be afraid to spike him! ;)
Sending love,
:O why so hot Kimberly??? looove the shoes and your hair in these pics. and haha sometimes I also wear a lot of spiky, uncomfortable rings and when my bf tries to hold my hand I have to move them all to the other hand. Such a nuisance. haha jk :)