[shirt: f21, skirt: foreign exchange, crossbody: coach, shoes: marc fisher]
There's something about nature that seems so tranquil. Maybe because these little critters don't have much to worry about. Eat, sleep, play. What an easy life huh? How grand it would be to not have any bills to worry to about. Speaking of which, as of Monday, I finally made my last payment for my car. YAY! After so many years, my TSX is officially mine!! You don't know how excited and relieved I am. Before the TSX, I had the worst luck with cars that broke down all the time (trust me there are stories). I was one of those frequent almost-monthly visitors to the auto body shop that my mechanic suggested for me to put all the money I was spending to repair my old car into payments for a new car. And so that's what I did. That random advice from a complete stranger changed my life.
Moral of the story: You never know where good advice may come from. So keep your ears open and be ready to listen. ;)
Sending love,
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