Now the "winter season" of California is slowing kicking in. Right before Christmas. :) The days are gradually becoming colder, which means my heater is turned on and time for double blankets at night. I don't do so well in the cold and literally need to walk around the house with a blanket. Maybe I should try that Snuggie thingy huh? Idk if it'd help...
Anyways, I forgot about these pics from when it was sunny in SoCal and thought I'd post them up. It's an easy on-the-go outfit that's perfect for school and running errands. That pretty much sums up what I've been doing lately. But now, I can officially say that I am DONE with school (for this semester) and can start enjoying the holidays. So looking forward to shopping for gifts today! Have you been naughty or nice? haha
happy holidays,
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