[Billabong jacket - gift from the bf, long sleeve top & purple cardy - fashion store, leggings - f21, scarf - volcom, sunglasses - electric, purple socks - target, green boots - gift from shoeternity.com]
After some good rest, Judith and I got ready for Denver Day II. We were up and ready for a busy day. As we walked to the Denver Art Museum, we saw a cute little squirrel munching on an acorn. I blinked my eye and then that squirrel was on the branch above my head. He startled me so I screamed [which was very loud]. It was so loud I frightened Judith and this lady who happened to be walking by us at the same time. *Sorry* Judith had a mini-heart attack and told me that it wasn't the same squirrel - there were 2 of them. Eeksss no wonder.
When we got to the Denver Art Museum the first thing we did was check out the King Tut Exhibit. It's a rare opportunity to be able to see these limited treasures that were a great part of history so we couldn't miss out. Unfortunately no pictures are allowed so I don't have any to share but it was pretty cool. My favorite pharaoh was Hapshepsut [meaning "foremost of noble ladies] who was one of the most successful pharaohs and reigned longer than any other women during Ancient Egypt. There were many pieces of extravagantly detailed jewelry as well as sculptures that used to be on top of pyramids [how cool is that?]. Back then everything was a work of art, which made me appreciate its beauty more.
We continued our adventure exploring the museum and came to a surprise to find out that there were 3 more floors and 7 floors in the next building. OMG so much to see! We quickly made our rounds and snapped pictures (we were allowed to inside the museum just not the exhibit). There were some interesting things and I liked how in the other building, each floor was tailored to a specific type of art. One floor was dedicated to South East Asian Art, another South American Art, Western Culture Art, etc. On the Western Culture floor, we found a little area where you can play "dress up." We do like to be silly so we took a moment to be little kids again and it was fun.
By now it was late afternoon so we decided to check out the famous 16th Street since supposedly, everything's there. They don't even allow cars to drive that street so people can walk freely through the streets. It was so long we did not walk through it all. After such a long day we were getting hungry and stumbled across some random little place called Osteria Marco. We took a chance to try it and had the chef special appetizer, lamb sausage pizza, and chef special dessert. Everything was so so good!! Sharing and caring and I love how we got to try a little bit of everything, including wine (yum). I never drank so much in such a short amount of time - trust me I have low tolerance. Wine on the plane ride, drinks during yesterday's hotel happy hour + dinner, and now wine again today. At least it was only a glass and it was house wine so why not try it. ~> Hey, we're not alcoholics - we just enjoy good food, drinks, and company. ;D
Until next time,
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